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Our Mission Mission...where children come first. Our Purpose - The Mission ECD Committee: • Promotes partnerships and collaboration among families/parents, community and regional organizations, agencies, businesses and individuals. Accountability • This committee is currently independent although accountable to various funding sources. Our Core Values • Child focused, family centered and community based Our Roles and Responsibilities • Advise decison makers, regarding funding decisions in early childhood 2008-2011 Goals • Children in Mission have increased performance as measured by the Early Development Instrument.• Increase accessibility of services to children and families in Mission. • Increase participation and involvement in the ECD Committee of non-traditional partners such as Municipal Government, business, daycares, parents and the Aboriginal community. • Raise awareness of early childhood development over a broad base including parents, the business sector and government. The Committee and Understanding the Early Years Project Through Social Development and Human Resources Canada's Understanding the Early Years'(UEY) initiative we provided the community with information about: • their children's "readiness to learn" This information was gathered by means of: • community mapping studies identifying community risk factors, strengths, and assets The following EDI powerpoint outlines the results of EDI assessments for 2006, including the changes maps from the 2003 assessment. “It takes a community to raise a child” |
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Last updated: January 19th, 2009