Contact:Laura Wilson
Early Childhood Development & Understanding
the Early Years Project Coordinator
Phone: 604-820-4367
Fax: 604-820-4330
How To Become Involved:
Our Early Childhood Developmental(ECD) committee meetings are held the third
Thursday of each month from 1:00 3:00 pm.
Meetings are held at Ministry of Children and Family Development located at
7364 Horne Street, Mission, upstairs in the boardroom.
We invite participation from the broader community.
If you are interested in attending our meetings or
receiving information on the ECD Committee please contact
Laura Wilson.
The Early Childhood Development Committee is a group of individuals
in the community who are concerned with the growth and development of every child in Mission.
We have joined to encourage planning of services
for children from 0 to 6 years of age with a coordinated and holistic approach.
Mission's Early Childhood Develoment (ECD) Members:
Mission Arts Council
Success By 6 - Fraser Valley
Future 4 Nations Head Start
Mission Association for Community Living
United Way of the Fraser Valley
Child Care Resource and Referral
Fraser Valley Regional Library (Mission)
School District #75
Mission Literacy Association
Infant Development Program
Child & Youth Mental Health
Women's Resource Society
Fraser Valley Health Authority
Mission Parks, Recreation & Culture
Ministry of Children and Family Development
Mission Community Services
Union Gospel